Decidedly, every day brings us its share of rumors and false information. They spread like wildfire and “grow like a weed after a fire” as the saying goes.
Yesterday, information was relayed in social networks, even by some media, according to which lawyers, all lawyers are prohibited from traveling because they are registered S17. Verification done, it turned out that this decision exists only in the imagination of those who invented it.
Both President Brahim Bouderbala and Nidhal Salhi, a member of the young lawyers, denied the information.
In turn, the advisor to the President of the Republic, Walid Hajjem, brought in an intervention on the airwaves of a private radio, a categorical denial to this rumor.
He said that the Presidency of the Republic does not intend to take such measures and that freedom of movement is guaranteed.
“In a world where information is a weapon and where it is even a code of life, rumor acts like a virus, the worst of all, because it destroys the immune defenses of its victim,” wrote the French politician, Jacques Attali.