In an article entitled ” Tunisian-Libyan trade exchanges and the reconstruction file: the Tunisian state, the private sector, and the need to remedy before it is too late” , the newspaper “le Maghreb” talked about the bulletin of the National Institute of Statistics that was issued, on september 16th,2021 to provide statistical indicators for the first seven months of 2021, and hours before that.

The Egyptian and Libyan media carried pictures of the procession of signing trade agreements between Egypt and Libya.

According to the same source, the link between the two events lies in the details. On the forty-eighth page of the Statistics Institute’s monthly bulletin for the month of July 2021, indicators were provided on the trade exchange between Tunisia and Libya. In the seven months from January to July 2021, a trade exchange amounted to no more than 1.16 billion dinars. Tunisian. Distributed between exports of 1.069 billion Tunisian dinars and imports worth 90.2 million Tunisian dinars.

On another side, the newspaper “La Presse” published an article entitled “Scarcity of water resources: The threat is imminent”.

“Who would have imagined, one day, that Tunisia would come to this point of disorganization and bankruptcy of almost all its cogs? The bitter reality in which we find ourselves is the result of this last black decade which brought to the head of the country incompetents and profiteers, some of whom are, quite simply, thieves and outlaws (the cases presented in court prove it).

The few leaders who have tried to bring something to their homeland have been marginalized and left out. This is what led to this total bankruptcy. Today, this political class must be thrown into the dustbin. Because it was she who led us to this catastrophe. Moreover, one would never have imagined reaching such a degree of deprivation. The citizen can no longer find anything. No oil, no sugar, no water, no other basic products. And when he finds them, it is with difficulty or at exorbitant prices”; that’s how the newspaper began its article.

As for “AL Chourouk” , it published an interview entitled “Zoubaier Ceahoudi, a leader in Ennahda and the former head of Ghannouchi’s office… Ghannouchi lost control…” .

According to this interview, The leader of Ennahda and the former head of the office of Rached Ghannouchi considered that the “original sin” of “the Ennahda movement was the candidacy of Rashid Ghannouchi in the legislative elections, and stresses that among the biggest mistakes of Ennahda is not supporting Abdelfattah Mourou in the presidential elections.