May 2, 2021

Tunisians are on their own, victims of the particularly perverse and deadly third wave of the corona virus. However, nothing helps. Our senior officials and elected officials continue to engage in corruption with impunity. This is their major sin, in addition to their marked incompetence. Two revealing facts have hit the headlines in recent days. Undoubtedly, they join the long list of corruption incidents recorded in recent months.

In Violation of the Law

In fact, the news of the last few days is replete with situations and acts testifying to the corruption of at least two parliamentarians. Act I: Ennahdha MP Aroua Ben Abbes gets vaccinated without being registered on the Evax platform  and  at the expense of the people who have the priority to be vaccinated. Indeed, she simply used subterfuge and artifices to get a first dose of the anti-Covid vaccine injected. In the meantime, her accomplice has been unmasked and removed from her post. However, our elected official managed to receive the second dose despite the scandal. Worse, she justified herself by claiming that she happened to be at the vaccination site and that she was somehow forced into it.

Act II: Another MP, Makki Zaghdoud, simply benefited from a 415-hectare state farm (1,025.4873 Acres) in violation of the law prohibiting deputies from contracting with the state during their term of office, not to say that the mentioned MP is a member of the parliamentary committee against corruption.

Absurd Justifications

Unmasked, our elected officials did not even try to acknowledge the facts and make amends. On the contrary, they have been ingenious in trying to justify the unjustifiable, says a lot about the widespread impunity that prevails under our skies.

In truth, Tunisians have become accustomed to such situations and postures. Indeed, corruption plagues the system. It even detaches itself from society as a whole, where small-scale corruption is rife. Finally, corruption integrates into the surrounding landscape and becomes part of the scenery in a way.

Ostentatious Bigotry and Proven Corruption

Paradoxically, the unacknowledged practices contrast sharply with the rhetoric that is repeated all day long. Indeed, Ennahdha and its allies redouble their speeches based on ostentatious bigotry. They willingly and allegedly improvise themselves as those “who fear God and preach good conduct.” Ultimately, they do the opposite. They keep using religion for political ends in short. Once again, alas, religion is the opium of the people.

Corruption in the Age of the Virus

Come to think of it, the long Covid 19 crisis was conducive to the unleashing of corruption under our skies. In fact, it could not be more effective in official circles and among elected officials. It started with the corruption associated with the making of masks and bibs. Then it spread to PCR tests, clinics, influenza vaccines, illegally imported Italian waste. And the list is hardly exhaustive. This resulted in the resignation of a government, the Fakhfakh government, the arrest of a minister and the involvement of local elected officials and parliamentarians.

Of course, justice was seized. Nevertheless, the interference of parties and coteries and the length of the proceedings leave an aftertaste of bitterness. It feels like impunity rages on and on. The average citizen despairs, s/he no longer believes in anything.

Distrust of Leaders

Paradoxically, the crisis of confidence is influencing the skyrocketing number of victims of Covid 19. In March 2021, the French sociologist Antoine Bristielle published a very revealing essay. Its title sums it all up: “Who to trust? From the crisis of institutional confidence to the health crisis ”. Indeed, he shows that the countries where people die the most from Covid 19 are also those where citizens are the most distrustful of their leaders. On the other hand, the countries with the highest levels of institutional trust have recorded mortality rates linked to Covid 19 lower than their European neighbors in particular.

Sad Tunisian news corroborates this, alas. And we’re not sure the end of the tunnel is anytime soon.