In a statement issued today, the Ennahda movement confirmed that the continuation of the exceptional measures for an indefinite period paralyzed the institutions of government, especially in the absence of a legitimate and capable government, with the continued freezing of the elected parliament, which threatens to dismantle the state and exacerbates the stifling economic, financial and social crisis and worsens the image Tunisia’s foreign affairs, especially with financial and international partners.

The Ennahda movement considered the president’s announcement of his intention to adopt separate transitional provisions as a dangerous matter by determination to abolish the constitution that Tunisians unanimously enacted and which represents the source of all legitimacy, and which he has long affirmed adherence to.

Getting out of these dangerous conditions that the country is experiencing, according to the movement’s statement, requires the efforts of all political and social forces in order to reach participatory solutions that will bring the country out of its crisis and achieve political stability as a prerequisite for an economic and social breakthrough.

Ennahda also expressed its rejection of “the approach of dividing Tunisian women and men and humiliating all who are different, expressing its pride in the revolution of freedom and dignity, the December 17, 14 January revolution, which started from the militant city of Sidi Bouzid and overthrew the dictatorship system and triumphed for the blood of the martyrs of the revolution and the struggles of the various spectra of our people throughout the soil of the dear homeland ” According to the statement.

The Ennahda movement stressed “the need for an absolute commitment to respect individual and collective human rights and to put an end to attacks on the right to travel and the right to expression.”

It also calls for the release of MP Yassine Ayari, in addition to lifting the house arrest imposed on a large number of Tunisians, including the former minister and leader of Ennahda, Anwar Maarouf.

The movement reiterated the necessity of respecting the constitution, lifting the freeze on Parliament, and expediting the formation of a legitimate government that would undertake a rescue program for the dangerous financial, economic and social conditions, and continue the war against the Covid-19 epidemic.