The head of the” Tahya Tounes” bloc in Parliament, Mustapha Ben Ahmed, called on parliamentarians in an open letter to implement article 97 of the constitution to open the way for the formation of a national salvation government with political competencies entrusted with a specific task with three main points: organizing the process of confronting the Covid crisis, quickly addressing the financial crisis, and organizing presidential elections. and premature legislative after reviewing the electoral law and related laws.
It should be noted that, according to the article 97 of the constitution, Votes may be taken on a motion of censure brought against the government basedn on a reasoned request presented by at least one-third of the members to thee speaker of the Assembly of Representatives. The motion of censure cannot be voted on until fifteen days have passed since the date the motion was presented to thee speaker of the Assembly.
A vote of no-confidence in the government requires the vote of an absolute majority of the members of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People, and thee presentation of an alternative candidate to head the government whose candidacy must be approved in the same vote. The President of the Republic shall entrust this candidate with the task of forming the government, according to the provisions of article 89.