The relation between the UGTT and the president of the Republic Kais Saied was focused on by national newspapers on september,25th,2021.

“On September 22, the country entered the transitional period that strengthened the president’s position in the system of government.

He is now controlled without an opponent or a rival, becoming the strongest man in the country in a lack of power that strikes balance with him other than the Tunisian General Labour Union.
This position as the only force in the country that can bring balance with the presidential institution and the president makes any position issued by the workers’ organization important and must be understood in its public and private contexts from that position issued by the last statement of the organization yesterday.”, that’s how “le Maghreb” began its article entitled “President, Transitional Extraordinary Measures and Labour Union: From Initial Support to Warning of the Dangers of Bringing Powers Together”

As for “la Presse ” , it published an article entitled “Two months after Parliament was frozen: What happened to deputies?”.

Nearly two months that the army’s armored vehicles are positioned in the precincts of Parliament. But during this time what are the deputies doing? Are they confined to the house? Are they still listening to their constituencies? Have they moved on? Or on the contrary, are they preparing for the next deadlines? are the questions that the newspaper is trying to answer according to statements from some deputies.

“Alchourouk” talked abiut the irregular imigartion in its article ” Alchourouk breaks into the world of illegal immigration towards Italy: Sfax the first and Tunisia is the transit area of Africans”